Vivid Dreams and REM Sleep Disorder
Dreams have always fascinated me, my own and as an area of study in psychology. Dreams can be both a communication from our subconscious as well as a distraction from it. My own have always been very complex and imaginative. When I do have dreams, they are often in full color and sharp images. Scenes will often change from one thing to the next unless my sleep is interrupted. Usually I know when I'm dreaming (if I remember it), because one or more things seem outlandish and the people are ones I haven't spoken to in years or people in my everyday life. Though my more noteworthy and remembered dreams are usually fantastical and whimsical, thus allowing them to be easily discerned from reality, over the past few years that's slowly begun to change. Of course we’re all familiar with dreams concerning our work, I'm definitely no stranger to it, however those particular dreams have never been an issue until recently. I remember the first time I...