I am not... Human

Hello Earthlings! Sagan Lewis, reporting for duty. Mission log xero, day five, year 1. Interacting with humans has become second nature to me now, so many interesting words to find in the 'library'. Still, changing my face is only part one of this multifaceted plan. I must also endear myself to multiple of them and smoothly integrate myself into their communities... of course the FIA (Fae Integration Act/Association) helps mostly with that last thing. Andy is a good source of information as well, even as ignorant as he is about my intentions. For an Earth Guide, he can be surprisingly insightful. The last few earth days were spent transitioning to my new 'apartment' and filling out tedious 'paperwork' for my new life here. I have been bored. So, to my anticipation, I am beginning my journey into integration with my first 'job'. I have been informed by my Earth Guide that being a 'productive member of society' starts with an 'in...